+>>+>>+[-> >>,#+[-<+< +>>]<[>+<[ -]+++++++[ -<-------> ]]>]<<+>>+ ++++++++++ +[->++++++ >+++++++++ >+++++>+++ +++++++>++ ++++++++>+ ++<<<<<<]> -->--->+++ +++>--->++ >---->>>++ +>+++++<<< <<<<<<<<<< +[-<<[->+> +<<]>>[-<< +>>]<<<+>> [<<->>[-]] <<]>-<<[-> >>+<<<]>>> >+[->>>+<< [>>-<<-]++ +++++++<<[ ->>>+<<<]> >>>]<<[-]+ >>>>>>>>>> +<<<<<<<<< [->>>>>>>> >-<<<<<<<< <]>>>>>>>> >[->>>>>>+ [-<<[->>+> +<<<]>>>[- <<<+>>>]+< [[-]>-<<[- >+>+<<]>>[ -<<+>>]+<[ [-]>-<<<+> ->]>[-<<<- -------->+ ++++++++>> >>>+<<<]<] >[-<<<++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ ++++++++++ +++++>++++ ++++>>]>>> ]<<<<<<[<< <<]>-[-<<+ >+>]<[->+< ]+<[[-]>-< ]>[->+++<< <<<<<<.>.> >>..>>>>>> +<<<]>>-[- <<<+>+>>]< <[->>+<<]+ <[[-]>-<]> [->>+++++< <<<<<<.>.> ..>>>>>>+< <<]<+>>>>[ [-]<<<<->> >>]<<<<[-> >>>>[>>>>] <<<<[.<<<< ]<]<<<<<<< <<<+[-<<[- >+>+<<]>>[ -<<+>>]<<< +>>[<<->>[ -]]<<]>-<< [->>>+<<<] >>>>+[->>> +<<[>>-<<- ]+++++++++ <<[->>>+<< <]>>>>]<<[ -]+>>>>>>> >>>+<<<<<< <<<[->>>>> >>-->+++++ [-<---->]> -<<<<<<<<< ]>>>>>>>.# >>]The character '#' can be used to set a breakpoint.
30use escape strings (e.g. \0 → NUL, \n → LF)
Speed steps/sec.
Cell size 8 bits 32 bits Cell values can be wrapped around.Memory address can be negative.
EOF value −1 0 EOF can be read more than once.
Error errmsg
Start execution mode Quit execution mode Execute next step Run to the next breakpoint Run to the end Stop + − > < , .