
米国連邦官報第24巻5348ページ (Federal Register: 24 Fed. Reg. 5327) に掲載された、米国商務省国立標準局(現在の国立標準技術研究所)の公告「ヤードとポンドの値の改良」(Refinement of Values for the Yard and the Pound) の原文とその日本語訳を掲載します。

原文: Federal Register: 24 Fed. Reg. 5327 (July 1, 1959).
翻訳: 鵺






The National Bureau of Standards, founded in 1901, is authorized by statute (U.S. Code, Title 15, Ch. 7, sec. 272) to undertake “The custody, maintenance, and development of the national standards of measurement and the provision of means and methods for making measurements consistent with these standards. * * *” Under this authority the National Bureau of Standards has sought to refine and extend the standards to meet the continuing requirements of science and industry for increased accuracy and uniformity of measurement.

国立標準局(1901年設立)現在の国立標準技術研究所 (National Institute of Standards and Technology)は、「計量の国家規格の管理、維持、及び開発、並びに国家規格と整合する計量を実施するための手段及び方法の提供、…」を受任することを法令(合衆国法典第15編第7章第272条)により認可されている。この認可の下、国立標準局は、計量の精度及び均一性の向上に対する科学界や産業界からの継続的な要求に適うべく、標準を改良及び拡張しようと努めてきた。

Since 1893 the National Bureau of Standards and its predecessor agency, the Office of Standard Weights and Measures of the Treasury Department, have derived the yard and the pound and the multiples and submultiples of these units from metric standards, namely, the international meter and the international kilogram. The original announcement of this derivation, together with the numerical ratios upon which the derivations were based, is given in Bulletin 26, "Fundamental Standards of Length and Mass," of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, approved for publication April 5, 1893, by the Secretary of the Treasury. An amendment to the 1893 Bulletin was made in 1894 in which there was a small adjustment in the pound-kilogram ratio to bring it into closer agreement with the British Imperial pound.

1893年より、国際標準局及びその前身の財務省標準度量衡局は、ヤード及びポンド並びにこれらの単位の倍量及び分量を、メートル法標準(すなわち国際メートル及び国際キログラム)に拠って定義されるものとした。この定義は、その基礎となる換算係数の値と併せて、合衆国沿岸測地測量局現在の国立海洋大気局 (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)告示26「長さと質量の基本基準」(1893年4月5日財務長官発行承認)にて最初に公表された。1894年には1893年の告示に対して改正が加えられ、ポンドとキログラムとの比率に僅かに調整が為され、英帝国ポンドの値に近い値となった。

In the latter half of the period since 1893 minor but troublesome discrepancies have developed among various groups, both in this country and abroad, that are concerned with very accurate measurements involving yard and pound units or their customary multiples and submultiples. As a result of study and negotiation, it has developed that most of the discrepancies can be resolved and a high degree of measurement uniformity obtained by small refinements of the ratios defined in the 1893–94 bulletins relating the yard and pound to the meter and kilogram. Accordingly, the following announcement is made:




Effective July 1, 1959, all calibrations in the U.S. customary system of weights and measures carried out by the National Bureau of Standards will continue to be based upon metric measurement standards and, except those for the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey as noted below, will be made in terms of the following exact equivalents and appropriate multiples and submultiples: 1 yard = 0.914 4 meter
1 pound (avoirdupois) = 0.453 592 37 kilogram

以下は1959年7月1日より発効する。国立標準局が実施する全ての合衆国慣用単位系の較正は、引き続きメートル法に基づいて実施され、後述する合衆国沿岸測地測量局のものを除き、次の正確な等式及び適当な倍量及び分量に拠る: 1 ヤード = 0.914 4 メートル
1 ポンド(常衡) = 0.453 592 37 キログラム

Currently, the units defined by these same equivalents, which have been designated as the International Yard and the International Pound, respectively, will be used by the National Standards Laboratories of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, and United Kingdom; thus there will be brought about international accord on the yard and pound by the English-speaking nations of the world, in precise measurements involving these basic units.


Any data expressed in feet derived from and published as a result of geodetic surveys within the United States will continue to bear the following relationship as defined in 1893: 1 foot = 12003937 meter
1 pound (avoirdupois) = 0.453 592 37 kilogram
The foot unit defined by this equation shall be referred to as the U.S. Survey Foot and it shall continue to be used, for the purpose given herein, until such a time as it becomes desirable and expedient to readjust the basic geodetic survey networks in the United States, after which the ratio of a yard, equal to 0.914 4 meter, shall apply.

合衆国内の測地測量によって得られ、その結果として出版されたフィートで表されたデータは、今後も引き続き1893年に定義された次の関係式に拠る: 1 フートフィート (feet) の単数形 (foot)
= 12003937 メートル
1 ポンド(常衡) = 0.453 592 37 キログラム
この等式により定義されるフートの単位は「米国測量フート」と称するものとし、合衆国の基礎的な測地測量ネットワークを再調整することが望ましく適切になるまでの間、引き続きここに示す目的で使用されるものとし、その後は0.914 4メートルに等しいヤードが適用されるものとする。

Relation to Previously Defined Standards


In 1866 (U.S. Code 1952 Ed., Title 15, Ch. 6, secs. 204 and 205) the Congress legalized the use of the metric system within the United States. The law also established approximate equivalents between customary and metric measures. The above ratios between the yard and pound and metric measures as well as those defined in the 1893–94 bulletins are consistent with the ratios established by Congress in 1866 within the limits of accuracy by which the latter are expressed.




In the 1893 Bulletin the yard was defined as: 1 yard = 36003937 meter which results in the approximate relation: 1 yard = 0.914 401 83 meter Thus the new value for the yard is smaller by 2 parts in one million than the 1893 yard. Numerical measures expressed in terms of the new unit will, therefore, be increased by 2 parts in one million.

1893年の告示ではヤードは次式の通り定義されていた: 1 ヤード = 36003937 メートル ここから次の近似式が得られる: 1 ヤード = 0.914 401 83 メートル よって、ヤードの新しい値は、1893年の告示によるヤードよりも100万分の2だけ小さくなる。従って、新しい単位で表される計量値は、100万分の2だけ大きくなることになる。



The pound was defined in the 1893 Bulletin as: 1 pound (avoirdupois) = 12.20462 kilogram

1893年の告示ではポンドは次式の通り定義されていた: 1 ポンド(常衡) = 12.20462 キログラム

The 1894 amendment, based on a recent determination of the British Imperial pound, gave the ratio as: 1 pound (avoirdupois) = 12.20462234 kilogram which results in the approximate relation: 1 pound (avoirdupois) = 0.453 592 4277[sic] kilogram Thus the new value for the pound is smaller by about I part in 10 million than the 1894 pound. Numerical measures expressed in terms of the new unit will, therefore, be increased by about 1 part in ten million.

英帝国ポンドのより直近の測定に基づく1894年の改正にて、換算係数は次式の通りとなった: 1 ポンド(常衡) = 12.20462234 キログラム ここから次の近似式が得られる: 1 ポンド(常衡) = 0.453 592 4277[原文ママ]1/2.20462234 は約 0.45359242799 である キログラム よって、ポンドの新しい値は、1894年の告示によるポンドよりも1000万分の1だけ小さくなる。従って、新しい単位で表される計量値は、1000万分の1だけ大きくなることになる。

Changes concern science and precision tools.


Such small changes are beyond the limits of accuracy by which many reference standards are now calibrated by the National Bureau of Standards, including the standards furnished to or calibrated for the State governments. Therefore, the refinements in the definitions of the yard and the pound will have no effect at all upon ordinary trade and commerce. The differences are significant, however, in a number of very precise metrological determinations such as are found in the precision machine tool and instrument industries and in certain scientific activities.


Standard inch.


The value for the inch, derived from the value for the yard effective July 1, 1959, is exactly equivalent to 25.4 millimeters. It may be noted that this value was approved by the American Standards Association for “Inch-millimeter Conversion for Industrial Use” in 1933 (ASA Standard B48.1-1933), was adopted by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in 1952, and has been adopted by many standardizing organizations in other countries.

1959年7月1日より発効するヤードの値より従うインチの値は、正確に25.4ミリメートルに等しい。この値は1933年に「産業用インチ・ミリメートル変換」(ASA規格B48.1-1933)として米国規格協会現在の米国国家規格協会 (American National Standards Institute)により承認され、1952年に国立航空諮問委員会により採用され、そして諸外国の多くの標準化団体により採用されてきたものであることは特筆すべきかもしれない。

Relation to grain.


The new conversion factor for the pound is exactly divisible by 7 and results in the following exact value for the grain: 1 grain = 0.064 798 91 gram

ポンドの新しい換算係数は丁度7で割り切れ、グレーンの正確な値として次式が得られる: 1 グレーン = 0.064 798 91 グラム

The grain is the common unit of the avoirdupois, apothecary, and troy systems, there being 7000 grains in the avoirdupois pound and 5760 grains in the apothecary pound and in the troy pound.


Nautical mile.


On July 1, 1954, it was announced that the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Defense had agreed officially that the International Nautical Mile would henceforth be used within their respective departments. The International Nautical Mile is based on the meter and is equal to 1852 meters. Based on the yard-meter relationship then in use, the International Nautical Mile was shown as being equivalent to 6,076.10333 feet. Under the new conversion factor, the International Nautical Mile is, equivalent to 6,076.11549 International feet approximately.

1954年7月1日、商務長官と国防長官は以降それぞれの省において国際海里を使用することに正式に合意したとの発表があった。 国際海里はメートルに基づいており、1852メートルに等しい。当時使用されていたヤードとメートルとの関係に拠ると、国際海里は6,076.10333フィートに等しかった。新しい換算係数では、国際海里は約6,076.11549国際フィートに等しい。

(For a detailed treatment of the Federal basis for weights and measures, see National Bureau of Standards Circular 593, The Federal Basis for Weights and Measures, for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., price 30 cents.)

(度量衡に関する連邦基準の詳細な取り扱いについては、国立標準局通達593「度量衡に関する連邦基準」合衆国政府印刷局現在の合衆国政府出版局 (United States Government Publishing Office)文書監督官(ワシントンD.C. 25番)より価格30セントで販売)を参照)

A. V. Astin, Director, National Bureau of Standards.
H. Arnold Karo, Rear Admiral, Director, Coast and Geodetic Survey.

国立標準局長 A. V. アスティン
沿岸測地測量局長 海軍少将 H. アーノルド・カロ

Approved: June 25, 1959.
F. H. Mueller, Under Secretary of Commerce.
[F.R. Doc. 59-5442; Filed, June 30, 1959; 8:45 a.m.]

商務次官 F. H. ミューラー
[F.R. Doc. 59-5442; 1959年6月30日午前8時45分提出]